Indian mountaineer´s Narendra award held for FAKE Everest climb claim


Which country owns mount everest ?, Where is the mount everest ?, Is mount everest in Nepal ?, Is mount everest in china ?

The indian mountaineer did not even reach the highest point of at 8850 m. Indian government honour mountaineer Narendra Singh yadav who faked everest summit.

Narendra Singh yadav still set to receive his award from indian government. This is the Highest adventure award of india but indian government politicising on it.


original name of Mountain Everest is Sagarmatha, it is earth highest himal above sea level. Mountain Everest is located in Nepal . 

Which country owns mount everest ?

Nepal .  Mount Everst, mountain in Nepal.

Where is the mount everest ?

Located in Nepal.

Is mount everest in Nepal ?

Yes,mount everest located in nepal.

Is mount everest in china ?

Mount Everest located in Nepal.

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